Addiction Treatment in Berwyn

Substance abuse problems plague millions upon millions of people throughout the United States every year. And while many people in communities like Berwyn feel that they are isolated from these issues that plague the rest of the world, it is not actually the case. And if you are struggling secretly with a drug or alcohol abuse problem in Berwyn, you do not have to feel as if you are alone. There are drug rehab centers offering extensive drug and alcohol treatment programs right here in the Berwyn area. If you are tired of dealing with your substance abuse issues and your addiction all on your own, get to know more about the various options in addiction treatment in Berwyn. By choosing to explore your drug rehab options, you will be able to make a decision in your addiction recovery that will best serve your unique, individual needs.

What is Addiction?

Many people grappling with drug or alcohol abuse problems have a hard time coming to terms with the idea that they have an addiction. Because they are not willing to utilize the term "addiction" to describe their situation, they also do not seek out the help of drug and alcohol treatment programs. If you are having these same problems, it can help to know what an addiction actually is.

An addiction to drugs or alcohol is a medical condition. It is a disease that is both physical and mental in nature. Addiction is characterized by compulsive behaviors when it comes to substance abuse and use as well as a craving or feeling of need to consume or use the drug on a regular basis. Anyone can develop an addiction if they use or abuse drugs and alcohol. This is because these addictive substances cause biochemical responses inside of the brain that will alter the brain's internal chemistry and wiring over time.

If you feel cravings for drugs or alcohol when you have gone a few hours or a few days without using them, experience withdrawals if you do not use drugs frequently, or often find yourself seeking drugs or alcohol without even really thinking about it, then you likely have developed an addiction and need the help of drug and alcohol treatment programs available through centers for addiction treatment in Berwyn. If you are looking for an inpatient treatment center in Berwyn, Illinois, or anywhere else for that matter, contact us today (877) 804-1531.

Are There Phases/Steps for Addiction Treatment?

While there are many types of drug and alcohol treatment programs offered through drug rehab, they all tend to follow a basic sequence of steps to get you off drugs or alcohol and break both your physical and mental addictions. The first phase or step in addiction treatment in Berwyn is an initial assessment or intake interview. This step simply allows you to express to the intake counselor the details about your addiction and to help them get to know you a little better. They will want to know about your medical history and health, the drug or drugs you are addicted to, how long you have been abusing drugs or alcohol, and other important information about you.

Once you have done your initial assessment, you will move into the next phase of treatment. The second phase of drug rehab is medical detox. In medical detox, you will be breaking your physical addiction to drugs or alcohol by stopping our drug use and allowing yourself to go through withdrawals to get your brain to rebalance and rewire itself. However, rather than quit cold turkey, medical detox allows you to make the detox process gradual and can help treat your withdrawal symptoms.

After you have completed detox and your withdrawals are finished, you can move on to other types of addiction treatment and therapy. Counseling such as group and individual therapy sessions will help you to learn how to avoid substance abuse in the future. The idea is to guide you through the process of understanding what led you to develop an addiction in the first place and then learning to deal with those issues in healthier, safer ways.

Types of Treatment for Addiction

When you seek out addiction treatment in Berwyn, you will find that there are some general categories or types of addiction treatment. Traditional treatment and therapy is largely based on standard medical and psychological practices. This would include the aforementioned medical detox as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy and intensive one-on-one counseling. There are also alternative treatment programs that are a bit more free and flexible in nature. These programs utilize newer and in some cases more innovative therapies like pet and equine therapy, restorative yoga, acupuncture, and more. If you are not sure which of these two extremes would be best for you, there is also holistic addiction treatment. Holistic treatment programs combine traditional and alternative treatment methods to treat an addiction from all sides, providing the most comprehensive approach to addiction recovery. Contact Berwyn Drug Rehab Centers today (877) 804-1531.

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